solano palacio
Full Stack Developer
Systems thinking advocate.

+54 9 11 23603317

/ solanoepalacio

About me:

Deeply committed to delivering high-quality, reusable, scalable code.

I'm a detail-oriented back-end -Node.js- guy. Love data-structures, databases and algorithms.

Try my best to write declarative, idiomatic javascript.

Looking for challenging projects!

Experience & Stack:



Preferred Stack

  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack

Interested in

  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Data Visualization
  • CSS Animations


  • AngularJs
  • Angular (2 and +)
  • Websockets
  • Firebase
  • Vainilla JS apps
  • Browser PWAs Apis (localStorage, WebWorkers, Notifications, IndexedDB)

Preferred Stack

  • Node.js 8.9+ (es6/es7)
  • Express / Koa
  • MongoDB / Redis / MariaDB
  • Mocha, Chai, Sinon

Interested in

  • Resource optimization (speed, cpu, memory)
  • Microservice & Serverless Architechtures


  • Heroku
  • RabbitMQ
  • Passport, Auth0
  • Webpack, Grunt, Gulp
  • Docker, Docker-compose
  • AWS: EC2, Lambda, S3, SQS, DynamoDB
  • DB's: DynamoDB, CouchDB, Sqlite, ARDB, SSDB

My development career:

Ssr back-end developer
Currently in charge of the re-design and re-implementation of heavy throughput data-ingest services along with Disney-Photo-Imaging team.
Joined Sirena's team as their only remote developer.
Deployed to production in several apps in a fairly complex microservices architecture on a weekly-sprint basis.
Learned node-js latest trends and architectural patterns.
2017 - 2018
Motivated coworkers and students to create a self-organized developers team called Dev5.
Plataforma 5
Joined Plataforma 5 team as an instructor in their cooding bootcamp and introductory courses
Web-App Development
Took Plataforma5 fullstack inmersive javascript bootcamp
650+ hours in 3 months
Web development
Learned HTML, CSS, JS, SQL and PHP and sold my first website.
Data Analysis
Started learning programming in R and Python through various online platforms.
03 / 1988, 30 years ago.
And now?!
Currently learning about scalable-architectures, functional-programming, and UNIX networking
If you are looking for a team-player to join you in an impossibly idealistic quest, I'm up for it!